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How are you going to deliver your crypto strategy?

How are you going to deliver your crypto strategy?

Your customers have heard about cryptocurrency in the news. They're intrigued, yet perhaps cautious. They could use your trusted brand to help them connect to this exciting new financial world.

Could it be your brand?

Bakkt's report, Creating Your Business's Crypto Strategy introduces several paths for integrating crypto into your business, outlining the potential benefits of each. Drawing on real-life examples, this report illustrates how companies are using cryptocurrency now to bring their customers new experiences.

Which approach is right for your company?

  • Integrating cryptocurrency into your loyalty program
  • Giving workers the option to receive crypto payments for a portion of their salary or other disbursements
  • Allowing customers to pay using cryptocurrency
  • Giving financial services customers and members the chance to use crypto in a familiar environment

You'll also learn about how Bakkt has helped brands like yours begin their own crypto strategy through partnerships:

  • Choice Hotels is giving Choice Privileges members unprecedented flexibility
  • is giving customers the chance to spend cryptocurrency—and offering delivery drivers the opportunity to earn some
  • And more…

Getting started is easier than you think

Learn how Bakkt helps partners tap into the potential of cryptocurrency without having to deal with all the intricacies of crypto markets or the regulatory and accounting burdens of working with this new kind of currency.

Read the Report

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